Wednesday, January 2, 2013


The obligatory 2012 post...

2012 was pretty great.  It started with a trip to Phoenix for work, which left me thinking, "I would never want to live here."  Less than two weeks later I received the best news to date when I found out I was accepted to Teach for Phoenix.  Luckily I have fallen in love with my school and my students and wouldn't want to live anywhere else right now.  They are gems.

Now, onto the highlights of 2012 in photos:

That one time Stacie and I surprised Rachel and visited her in California
That one time we surprised Luke, Jack, and Conner with a trip to California (apparently I love surprise vacations and California)

That one time I went to Zions for my birthday
That one time my best friend got married :)
That one time I moved to Phoenix and met this bundle of joy

That one time my brother got married

Every time I saw these boys

That one time I went to New Orleans to see Stacie

Two days into 2013 and so far it looks pretty good.  

1 comment:

Rachel said...

LOVE this! Can't wait to see what 2013 has in store for you (like multiple CA trips!).