Friday, January 3, 2014


I used to think I was too cool for two holiday traditions: wearing green on St. Patricks Day and setting New Years Resolutions.  Time has passed and I've become a not-so-cool math teacher and got over my New Years Resolution thing (I still refuse to wear green on St. Patty's Day).  I actually put some serious thought into what I wanted to accomplish and wrote some pretty good resolutions, but as I mentioned in a previous post, I only kept one - travel somewhere once a month.  To be completely honesty, I really didn't even do that because I didn't take a trip in January, but February through December were good.

Without further ado, here is my 2013 vacation year in review:
February - Las Vegas - Hoover Dam
March - Utah - Easter Sunrise
April - Denver, Colorado - "Before I die" wall

May - The Grand Canyon

June - Lake Powell

July - Carlsbad, California - Rachel's wedding

August - Utah - Tracy's wedding
September - San Diego, California

October - Austin, Texa
November - Utah - Thanksgiving Turkey Trot

November - Utah - lights at Temple Square

December - Utah - Annual Romantic Breakfast/Kimball's 25th Birthday

December - Utah - Christmas Day at Snowbird

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