Friday, August 5, 2011


Hi there Mom and Dad and the three other people who may or may not read my blog. I'm back from China! But that's old news. New news is that I got a job. I'm working for a corporate wellness company and complete health assessments on our clients employees. I've been working in Evanston, Wyoming since yesterday morning. The last 32 hours have looked something like this:

State Fair: 1
Sleep: 6
Work: 21

Only 1 more to go.

1 comment:

Ash said...

Yay for getting jobs!!! I'm still in search of one...welp. See ya later!

Ps. Move to Montana. I need some entertainment. And a guitar teacher. And whit would be SO MAD if you moved in with me instead of her. ha ha ha. Since her love sac is already here...if you moved up, I would see no reason why she WOULDN'T move up. Great plan!